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Best Houseplants For A Small Balcony

5 min read |
Best Houseplants For A Small Balcony - Lupo Boutique

Having a small balcony doesn’t mean you have to miss out on the joys of indoor greenery. With the right selection of houseplants, you can turn your compact outdoor space into a lush and inviting oasis. Whether you’re looking for colorful blooms, trailing vines, or compact foliage, there are plenty of options to suit your balcony’s size and conditions. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best houseplants that thrive in small balcony environments.

Transform Your Small Balcony with These Popular Houseplants

Herbs In Pots - Best Houseplants For A Small Balcony

Potted Herbs

If you love the idea of having fresh herbs at your fingertips, potted herbs are a perfect choice for a small balcony. Basil, rosemary, thyme, and mint are just a few examples of herbs that can thrive in containers. They not only provide culinary delights but also add fragrance and beauty to your balcony. Place them in a sunny spot and ensure they have well-draining soil.


Succulents are known for their ability to thrive in various conditions and their low-maintenance nature. They come in a wide array of shapes, colors, and sizes, making them ideal for small balconies. Consider varieties like Echeveria, Haworthia, or Sedum, which have compact growth habits. These drought-tolerant plants require infrequent watering and can tolerate both sun and partial shade.

Geraniums - Best Houseplants For A Small Balcony


Geraniums are classic balcony plants, cherished for their vibrant flowers and ability to withstand different climates. They come in various colors and can be grown in hanging baskets or small pots. Geraniums prefer bright sunlight, so place them in a location that receives several hours of direct sun each day. Water them when the top inch of soil feels dry.


Ivy is a versatile and easy-to-grow plant that can bring a touch of elegance to your small balcony. Its trailing vines create a cascading effect when placed in hanging baskets or allowed to drape from elevated surfaces. English Ivy (Hedera helix) and Swedish Ivy (Plectranthus verticillatus) are popular choices. They tolerate both sun and shade, but avoid overwatering them.


Petunias are well-loved for their profusion of colorful flowers and their ability to thrive in containers. They come in a wide range of shades, from vibrant pinks and purples to soft pastels. Petunias prefer full sun, so place them in a location that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight daily. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.

Spider Plant

Spider plants are fantastic choices for small balconies due to their adaptability and air-purifying qualities. They have arching, variegated leaves and produce offshoots, called spiderettes, which can be easily propagated. Spider plants tolerate various light conditions, from bright indirect light to partial shade. They prefer well-draining soil and regular watering.

Dwarf Citrus Trees

If you have a sunny corner on your small balcony, consider adding a dwarf citrus tree, such as a lemon or lime tree. These compact trees can be grown in containers and provide both ornamental value and delicious fruits. Ensure they receive full sun, and water them deeply when the top inch of soil feels dry. Just imagine picking off a couple of fresh lemons to put in that gin and tonic… heaven!

Best Houseplants For A Small Balcony Conclusion

When selecting houseplants for your small balcony, keep in mind the available space, light conditions, and your personal preferences.

Consider using vertical space by hanging plants or using wall-mounted planters to maximize the limited area.

With careful selection and proper care, your small balcony can become a green sanctuary, offering a refreshing escape from the bustling city life.