Lupo Boutique > Houseplants

Houseplant Ideas & Inspiration

Immerse yourself in a green feast

Here at Lupo Boutique, we aim to ignite your creativity and fuel your passion for plants, offering a myriad of ideas and inspiration to elevate your houseplant game.

Houseplant Guides

Dive into a world of green wonders as we showcase the top picks, highlighting their unique characteristics, care requirements, and why they deserve a spot in your indoor space.

Houseplant Care

Let Lupo provide you with the knowledge and resources to ensure your houseplants thrive and flourish. From watering tips to lighting requirements, pest control to propagation techniques, we’ve got you covered…

Houseplant Tips & Tricks

Tending to houseplants can pose challenges, particularly for those new to indoor gardening. To empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to cultivate thriving green companions, we have gathered a valuable collection of tips and tricks.